You’re still sixteen and you assume the best in people

If there were an Oscar for Best Line in a Movie which line would win it?

This is why I love Quora – questions like this. Questions that make you go, I’ve wondered the same thing too!. And when you read the answers, you don’t just satisfy your itch, get entertained, but you also learn a whole lot!

I really love the Joker quotes in the top answer (as of today). After reading a few, I came up with my own answer too. This is a quote not from a movie, but a TV show. However, I thought it is still worth mentioning. It spoke to my heart when I first heard it more than two years ago, it still resonates with me now and gives me chills every time I listen to it.

(I wish there was a better quality video).

Hey! What did you just call him? You use that word, you’re talking about him. Yeah that’s because you’re still sixteen and you assume the best in people. You live a few years, you start seeing the hate in people’s hearts. Even the best people. You use the ‘N’ word? How about “retard”? You call that nice girl on the Cheerios with Kurt a retard? But you think it’s okay to come into my house and say faggy? I know what you meant! You think I didn’t use that word when I was your age? Some kid gets clocked in practice, we’d tell him to stop being such a fag: shake it off. We meant it exactly the way that you meant it: that being gay is wrong, that it’s some kind of punishable offence. I really thought you were different Finn. I thought that being in glee club and being raised by your mom, meant that you were some new generation of dude who saw things differently- you just kind of came into the world knowing what it’s taken me years of struggling to figure out. I guess I was wrong; I’m sorry Finn but you can’t stay here, I love your mom and maybe this is gonna cost me her, but my family comes first and I can’t have that kind of poison around. This is our home, Kurt. He is my son. Out in the world you do what you want. but not under my roof.

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