I have been using React and redux for a few years, and got quite comfortable with building moderately complex component logic with them. I recently migrated an app over to using Redux Toolkit, motivated by wanting to stay up to date with the latest recommendation, as well as reducing boilerplate, which can be cumbersome with redux action creators and reducers.
When using Redux Toolkit, often times you’d need to declare extraReducers
to act upon actions defined in a different slice. That would look like so
You would use addMatcher
to match on multiple action types. This does become a bit verbose, so redux-toolkit
does provide a helper function called isAnyOf
to make this a bit easier
This is pretty straightforward. However, in the process of doing the refactoring to use the helper, I made a mistake of forgetting to remove the .type attribute on the action
This might have been simple bug to fix had I known where to look. However, it manifested in a pretty strange behavior, where the matcher would match even when a different action is fired. This caused a pretty confusing behavior in my case, due to an inadvertent state logic:
So I was in a situation where, upon calling the submit
action, I can see that the action was fired, but the loading
state did not become true
. From just reading the code, it would never occur to me that the matcher in the extraReducers
was invoked. This was especially tricky to realize, because the actual code contains many more lines of complex logic and a high number of reducers to parse through. It is still unclear to me why the isAnyOf
matcher would behave that way. I suspect it has to do with the fact that the helper can accommodate many different types of arguments. I wonder if TypeScript check would have caught this issue here.
Today I learned that git aliases are case-insensitive – this behavior is documented in http://git-scm.com/docs/git-config#_configuration_file.
The configuration variables are used by both the Git plumbing and the porcelains. The variables are divided into sections, wherein the fully qualified variable name of the variable itself is the last dot-separated segment and the section name is everything before the last dot. The variable names are case-insensitive, allow only alphanumeric characters and -
, and must start with an alphabetic character.
For quite a long time, I noticed a strange behavior in my local git environment (which uses a dotfile config https://github.com/tnguyen14/dotfiles/blob/master/home/.gitconfig). When a branch has not been merged, git would usually shows me a warning like this:
:; git branch -d my-feature-branch
error: The branch 'my-feature-branch' is not fully merged.
If you are sure you want to delete it, run 'git branch -D my-feature-branch'.
I find this behavior helpful, cautioning me against accidentally deleting branches and losing work. Because I do branch deletion often, I add then following config to ~/.gitconfig
bd = branch -d
However, I started noticing that when I do git bd my-branch
, it would just delete the branch regardless of whether I have the branch changes merged or not. This went on for a while, and eventually it bothered me enough to look into while. I finally figured it out today. This is happening because I have another alias in gitconfig:
bd = branch -d
bD = branch -D
I suppose that when I was setting up aliases, I was trying to be clever and added a convenient alias for when I do want to force-delete the branch. As aliases are case-sensitive, the latter one (branch -D
) wins and is always used whenever I type git bd
When I had to bring up a Windows Server on AWS using the default Windows Server AMI recently, I needed a way to automatically configure the machine so it can be SSH-ed into without manual configuration. This was needed in order to run ansible on the machine after it was brought up by Terraform.
This could be done with cloud-init and a PowerShell script. The script would install OpenSSH server and configure the permissions for the authorized_keys
file to allow incoming SSH session for the Administrator
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~
Start-Service sshd
Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType 'Automatic'
$AuthorizedKeyFile = 'C:\ProgramData\ssh\administrators_authorized_keys'
New-Item $AuthorizedKeyFile
Set-Content $AuthorizedKeyFile '${authorized_keys}'
# Reset authorized_keys file ACL to enable SSH
# By default, it inherits parent folder permission, which is too permissive
$Acl = Get-Acl -Path $AuthorizedKeyFile
# disable inheritance
$isProtected = $true
$preserveInheritance = $false
$Acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($isProtected, $preserveInheritance)
$Administrators = 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
$System = 'SYSTEM'
$FullControl = 'FullControl'
$AdministratorAccessRule = New-Object Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule $Administrators, $FullControl, 'Allow'
$SystemAccessRule = New-Object Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule $System, $FullControl, 'Allow'
Set-Acl -Path $AuthorizedKeyFile -AclObject $Acl
The local machine’s public SSH key is added to authorized_keys
file as a template parameter.
Learning how to use styles with react-native
I’ve learned that in order to apply styles to react-native, I would use StyleSheet
as such:
In keeping with my goal of reusing as much of the existing app as possible, I want to use Bootstrap for basic styles. This can be achieved with StyleSheet.compose
. (I’m also splitting the styles into its own module.)
So far, it’s pretty straightforward.
Next, I want to use CSS features such as rem
units and custom properties, in order to keep the native design as consistent with the web design as possible. From some searching around, the way to use those features is with react-native-extended-stylesheet
. A simple example of its usage would look like so:
The EStyleSheet.build()
is important to to define the variables, as well as “calculate” the stylesheets. However, because of that step, we can’t use EStyleSheet
as a drop-in replacement for StyleSheet
when it comes to style composition. At import time, the styles have not been “calculated” yet.
In order to combine extended stylesheet with bootstrap styles, the styles need to be dynamically generated at component runtime:
There is a bit more wrapping layers in this workaround, but it achieves the goal of keeping the styles consistent with the usage of Bootstrap and CSS features.