Using Em and Rem

em and rem have slowly become the new standard for sizing font sizes on webpages and even for things like margin and padding.

As an avid listener of the Shop Talk Show, I’ve been itching to start using em’s and rem’s in my work to see how cool these are (Chris Coyier described this as “spine tinkly hot“). But I was never certain of the right way to use either of them. The biggest mental block for me was distinguishing between using em and just regular percentage (%).

I’ve finally found a great article that clearly explain the pros and cons of using em’s and rem’s, and how to use them correctly in your code. In fact, I got so excited by this “Aha!” moment that I decided to write this blog post to commemorate this article and use it as a resource for me to refer back to in the future.

So if you’re just like me, sitting on the fence about moving to Ems and Rems from good ole px, reading this article might help give you that final nudge to explore it yourself.

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