Handlebars templates with Backbone, grunt.js and RequireJS

Integrating Handlebars templates in modern web development workflow has been crucial in helping me organize my code neatly and maintain sanity. I want to achieve a few things:

In a current Backbone.js application at work, which is set up with grunt and RequireJS (you can find a similar set up with the default yeoman backbone generator), I have found the following set up to meet most of these goals.

I can use the templates with RequireJS in the views like so:

// viewOne.js
			// I use commonjs syntax with require
			// http://requirejs.org/docs/whyamd.html#sugar
			var Templates = require('templates');
			var viewTemplate = Templates.viewOne;
			var html = viewTemplate({data: 'test'});

The template directories look something like this

			├── viewOne.hbs
			├── viewTwo.hbs
			├── viewThree.hbs
			├── ...
			└── viewTwentyThree.hbs
			0 directories, 23 files

I use grunt-contrib-handlebars to compile the templates. Here’s the Gruntfile.js config for local development:

handlebars: {
			    compile: {
			        options: {
			            amd: true,
			            namespace: 'Templates',
			            partialsUseNamespace: true,
			            processName: function(filePath) {
			                var file = filePath.replace(/.*/(w+).hbs/, '$1');
			                return file;
			            '.tmp/scripts/templates.js': ['<%= yeoman.app %>/templates/*.hbs']

The above code does a few things. More detailed explanation of what each options does can be found on the plugin github page.

In the build step for deployment, instead of just outputing the compiled templates into the .tmp folder, RequireJS can put Templates in the optimized javascript with the following Grunt task config (note the paths option):

requirejs: {
			    dist: {
			        options: {
			            baseUrl: '<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts',
			            optimize: 'none',
			            paths: {
			                'templates': '../../.tmp/scripts/templates'

This simple set up has allowed me to rapidly develop a complex apps by breaking down complex templates into small reusuable components and use them liberally anywhere with RequireJS, yet keep the built JavaScript minimal and compressed. I hope it will be useful for others who might be looking for a similar solution. If you find this useful or would like to suggest an improvement, please leave a comment.

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