Authentication for Google Cloud Functions with JWT and Auth0
Surprised that there was no built-in authentication mechanism for Google Cloud Functions, I made an attempt to implement a simple one with JWT and Auth0
With all the hype around serverless, I recently took a stab at creating a cloud function and see how it goes. I went with Google Cloud Functions instead of AWS Lambda, because I had some free signup credits on Google.
I started with this tutorial, and it seemed pretty straightforward. I created a cloud function with a HTTP trigger in about 30 minutes.
The function I deployed adds an entry to a Cloud Datastore database, and would do so every time I make a curl request to the function’s endpoint. That was pretty thrilling.
However, it soon dawned on me that this is pretty insecure, as anyone who knows of this endpoint could write to the database. Imagine if I wrote a delete
function! I thought surely Google must have built in some sort of authentication scheme for Cloud Functions. But after googling around for a while, it didn’t seem so. I did next what any clueless developer would, and post a question on StackOverflow.
After a few days, the answers I got back seemed pretty disappointing. Apparently if I had used AWS Lambda, I could leverage API Gateway, which has support for auth. But I am on my own for Google Cloud Functions.
So I decided to implement an authentication check for my cloud function with a JWT token passed in in the form of an Authorization header access token, with the help of Auth0.
Here’s the implementation in Node, and the explanation is after.
I use jwks-rsa
to retrieve the public key part of the key that was used to sign the JWT token, and jsonwebtoken
to decode and verify the token. I use Auth0, so jwks-rsa
reaches out to the list of public keys to retrieve them.
The checkAuth
function can then be used to safeguard the cloud function as:
You can see the entire Google Cloud Functions repo at
The JWT / access token can be generated in a number of way. For Auth0, the API doc can be found at
Once this is in place, the HTTP trigger cloud function can be invoked with: